Sunday, January 8, 2012

January 5K - Lansing for Haiti Run

The Lansing for Haiti run was held at Great Lakes Christian College in Lansing. Never heard of it?  Neither had we! It has all of 5 buildings with one of those being a gym and three being dorms (one men, one women, and one family). Their academic building houses the library, the cafeteria, all the classrooms (from what we could tell) and all of the business offices for the College as well. Nate googled it and found out it has 260 students and offers 10 majors.

Before we went to the race, we had lunch at our favorite chicken wings place ever: Wings Over Lansing. How we learned about this place is that there is a Wings Over Ithaca that Nate loved and he looked it up one time to see if there were any in the nearby area and Lansing has it. So, we can't go to Lansing without visiting!  Let's just say, I learned that chicken wings aren't the best food choices before you run a race... I kept getting a stitch in my side during the race.

The other thing that made this race difficult was the weather. I had looked at the weather the night before and they said it would be a high of 47 and partly cloudy. That sounded like divine running weather to me!  Well, evidently at some point during the night...the weather forecast changed, and of course, I didn't check it in the morning. The high was 40 but with the wind it was freezing! And of course, I had dressed for 47 and partly cloudy....hadn't planned on any wind.

Although it was a tough race, I ran a little over an 11 minute mile, which is good for basically only getting back into training this past week. I had to walk a few times, so I have no idea what I would have run if I hadn't needed to take walking breaks to relieve the pain in my side.

Good things about the race? One race is completed, now I only have 11 more to go. And, there were few enough people running that Nate could pick me out and take my picture as I crossed the finish line!

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