Monday, May 14, 2012

Whirlwind and Evidence Thereof

When I say things are crazy busy, you may think that I'm just trying to make excuses for not posting a gazillion days. However, it truly has been a whirlwind. Let me give you some evidence of this whirlwind I'm riding.

1.  Evidence #1: The Living Room
As you can see, The living room is almost completely filled with boxes and furniture. The furniture we are giving to a friend, the boxes are in various stages - completely packed, taped, labeled and ready to be loaded on the truck (that's actually the largest number of boxes that are strategically placed closest to the bookshelves. There are about 4 boxes that are nearer the furniture that aren't filled yet or need to be sorted through.

2. Evidence #2: The Schedule
 A. Trip to Connecticut
       - April 28-May 5 - We saw 24 houses in 48 hours, made an offer, accepted a counter offer and had the house inspected all in one week.

   - May  8-9 - Take cats to the vet and get shots, microchips, and Xanax for the trip. Literally.... we'll be giving Buddy Xanax so that we will all remain sane during the 12 hour drive.I wonder if cat Xanax is the same as human Xanax?????  This may be something we need to consider! ;)

  - May 7-11 (am) - Decide that this is a perfect time to go on a new diet - The 17 Day Diet and see what it can do for us. It is set up in 17 day cycles that start with very low carbs and works more in each cycle.  Quotes from Nate:  "Is this a woman's diet? Shouldn't I be able to have more?" "Is this all we're getting?"  "Ummm..... is there going to be a dessert?"  "Is your stomach constantly growling because mine is?!"

   -May 11-13 - Go to Ft. Wayne for Mother's Day and a final trip before we move. Spend quality time with family and friends throughout the 2.3 days there.

    - May 11: 5:30 PM - arrive in Ft Wayne. 6:00 begin stuffing tortilla chips in my mouth at an alarmingly rapid rate to make up for the lack of carbs this week. And proceed for the next two days to eat carbs whenever possible to make up for the deficit.

    - May 14-18 -Have friends come over and pick through our belongings and take things they want/need.

   - May 19 - 4PM - Farewell party at a friends

   - May 20 - Jenna's next 10K race

   -May 21-June 1 - Pack furiously - Trying to make sure that the things we take with us in the car leave enough room for 3 animals as well. So, we need to pack like we are going on a week's vacation and take our pets with us.

   - June 2 - Movers load the truck.

   - June 2nd night - sleep soundly (???) on the floor with three animals

  - June 3rd - get up refreshed (????) and ready to go at 4 AM to drive to CT in time to drop the animals at the kennel for a few days.

   - June 4th - the house in Ypsilanti closes in the morning. We either:
                        a) Wait around in New Haven pacing and wondering and hoping everything goes well
                        b)  We take the train into NYC for the day and try to enjoy ourselves.

    - June 5th -We close on the house in New Haven in the afternoon to allow for the proceeds from the MI closing to be wired and received. We also pray that the moving truck does NOT arrive in the morning! We actually would like it if they arrived around day 4 of the 2-8 day window.

 During all of this, I am still running 3 times per week for training, and lifting boxes (er, I mean "weights") 2 times per week.
Is any other evidence needed to verify our "whirlwind?" Yeah, I didn't think so!  

1 comment:

Thanks so much for reading my blog! I welcome your comments as we all are on the journey of life together.