Friday, November 11, 2011

Full Steam Ahead

I believe I've mentioned that I've gone back to working full time. I received a promotion at work and am really honored to be trusted enough to be a part of the Development Team at the Museum where I work. We have some ambitious goals for this year and basically, when I started full time again this past Tuesday, I literally hit the ground running and haven't had a chance to look back. I've gotten a new office (it actually has a door on it!!!!), new responsibilities, and a new boss. Truly a whirlwind of a week! Not only am I hitting the new job full throttle, I am continuing to cover my old position as well until a replacement comes on board and they are fully trained. Needless to say, the day flies by and I'm almost breathless by the time it's over. I'm not sure how you can achieve breathlessness sitting at a computer all day....I guess I'm just gifted or something....or REALLY out of shape!
Speaking of being out of shape, I've signed up for a run. As I've mentioned before, I have been debating signing up for another run for months. I decided that what's most important is not what I've done in the past, it's starting fresh and going at it again. When you fall off the horse, you're supposed to jump right back on, isn't that right? And although it's taken me a few months to jump back on the "horse" I have done it. The Holiday Hustle will be held on December 3rd in a nearby town. I'm very thankful that it is going to be in th elate afternoon vs. the early morning like most races are! December 3rd will be downright chilly in this neck of the woods....oh yeah, did I mention it? We had our first snow yesterday.I was actually able to see it from my office because my new office has a huge WINDOW!!!!! 
Although winter is fast approaching (ie: here already) things are on the up and up!


  1. LOL! You're like me with the morning races! I keep thinking I want to sign up for a race and then remember it would involve getting up early on a weekend morning. So not gonna happen. Congratulations on the new job!

  2. Thanks, Diana! I'm a morning person, so running in the morning doesn't bother me as much as the cold does. But it's good to know that I do not struggle alone. Thanks for the encouragement!

  3. I found a Friday p.m. race to sign up for locally, I'm so excited! I knew you'd understand. ;)


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