I've lost weight before....a LOT of weight. At one time in my life, I weighted 240 pounds and in the course of a year, I lost 90 pounds. It was not easy. It took courage, motivation and persistence. That was awhile ago. Since that time, I have gotten married and have put on 30 of that 90. If you've been reading my blog for awhile, you know that I have started running - committing to run a race (minimum of 5K) each month of 2012. On October 7, 2012, I will run the Chicago marathon. In my mind - my faulty mind - I have believed that running will take care of the extra weight without me needing to cut calories. In fact, at some level, I've convinced myself that I need
more calories because I'm running. So, for the past month, I have faithfully been running at least 3 times per week. And I have lost all of 1 pound. That's right.... I've lost only 1 pound. I know better. I know what it takes. I've done this before. I'm not sure how I've convinced myself that it's any different today than it was 9 years ago, but it seems like I've bought into the lie hook, line, and sinker. Today, February 5, 2012 I'm recommitting to do what I know it takes. I can't just work out and eat myself into oblivion. I can't just diet and not include exercise. I must do both. So, using the tried and true Weight Watcher method, I'm starting to track what I eat. Starting today. I was tempted to start tomorrow as today
is the Super Bowl and we
are going over to friends where I will most certainly be faced with some decadent delights. But I've decided that I'm tired of saying "I'll start tomorrow." What I eat today will have an effect on my weight when I weigh in next Sunday. It is ridiculous to think that I can just ignore today and pretend it didn't happen. Today counts.
On to the Hot Chocolate Hustle update - I ran the 5K in 33 minutes and 55 seconds. I was actually on point to running it under 33 minutes, but my shoe became untied and so I had to stop and tie it and I used that time to catch my breath as well, so I didn't tie it too fast.
This was taken after I had crossed the finish line and had my placement tag removed. |
One of the neat things in running all of these races is the fact that I get a t-shirt at every one! I now have 5 t-shirts from different races I have run.
So, starting today, February 5, 2012...tracking all food AND running. Hopefully at next Sunday's weigh in, I'll have a different story to tell.
I swear you're in my head! The diet thing is really getting me down, because I tend to eat more than I should, because I exercise. And that's just not the way it works. Can I join you in the commitment to start tracking food? I'm actually gonna start blogging again too, 'cause I feel like that accountability helps too. We can do this!!
ReplyDeleteHow funny, Diana! I just read your blog and commented the same thing about how we are going through the same things right now! I would love to have a partner in the whole tracking food commitment! We CAN do this!