Monday, January 2, 2012

Site Maintenance

You may notice that I've added a mileage tracker widget to this blog. Do you see it right there?  On the right?  Today I begin fulfilling my first resolution to run a race every month with my first day of training. Yeah, you're right....there has been a slight delay in getting started, but better late than never!  I read my friend Diana's latest post and that's where I saw her workout tracker and thought it would be great incentive to add it to my blog, so be watching as that number should consistently be moving up, up, up! 


  1. I'll be watching! And nudging if needed ;) Have you chosen a January race yet?

  2. Hi Diana, I appreciate the nudging! I have chosen a January race - it's THIS Saturday and it's a fundraiser for Haiti, which I'm pretty excited about being a part of as well.


Thanks so much for reading my blog! I welcome your comments as we all are on the journey of life together.