Monday, August 1, 2011


On August 11th, Nate and I will be celebrating our anniversary.We do have a couple of trips planned in the next several weeks, so I believe we will be taking time then to celebrate. As our anniversary falls on a Thursday, that also tends to complicate any major plans as we both work that day. To further complicate matters, Nate's birthday falls in the previous week, so sometimes, we end up celebrating both at the same time. But none of these "complications" should matter. I want to celebrate the day that Nate and I made a lifelong commitment to one another.
I mentioned that the sermon series this month at church has been about dealing with the excuses we use that keep us from abundant living. Yesterday's was entitled, "But I just don't have time." One of the truths the pastor shared was that you need to plan for what is important because if you don't, the urgent will take it's place. Of course, the first hurdle is identifying what is important. Jesus very clearly stated that the two greatest commandments are to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul & mind and love your neighbor as yourself.  By the way, anyone other than yourself qualifies as your neighbor. So often I get bogged down with the urgent: a clean house, the laundry pile that just moves into the ironing pile that transfers back into the laundry pile, the groceries, the meals, etc. The other day I was busy on my computer and Nate came and just sat beside me. I was trying to finish something up rather quickly, and I looked at him and said, "What now?"  I know.....not my finest moment.... but, I promised that this blog would be an honest portrayal of my journey. After my rude comment, Nate left and I continued working. Later he told me that all he had wanted was to spend some time with me. That entire episode came crashing back into my mind as I listened to the sermon yesterday. I was convicted over the fact that I have not planned for what matters most to me: my husband. How blessed I am to have a husband who wants and seeks to spend time with me. That is not something to take for granted. That is something to reciprocate and cherish. From now on, I want to make what is truly important my priority and what is important to me is my marriage and family. I want to do something special for this I just need to figure out what!

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